What can I say about this game. It was originally released back in old 1995. SEGA had some great early work with 3D models and polygon mapping, and Virtual On represents some of the most well designed of that work. The controls and maneuvers are simple, and this robot piloting simulator quickly turns into a strategy exercise all about timing. For those fortunate enough to take the joysticks of these popped out mechs into their own hands in a live arcade setting, there awaits some of the most fast-paced and beautifully animated pixelated mesh triangle action sequences. If you can, find an old Dreamcast and purchase the twin sticks on ebay. Throw in some plywood and spray paint and you can make your own robot pilot simulator! Thats what Delta did.
Graffiti artist Delta Inc. did these custom game cabinets AND designed the game as well. What a badasss!! Check out some of his other works. The furniture and installations are amazing.
love, Tally
I love virtual on. I like the two player ones that you sit down in the best.
yeah dude. they ARE the best! soo fun to go head to head.
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